Hard Water Softeners Reduce the Chlorine & Improve Your Skin, Hair & Body!
With a Kinetico Whole House Water System You’re Sure to Feel and Taste the Difference!
Our home water treatment systems are cleverly engineered to solve virtually any water problem and produce luxuriously soft water and worry-free drinking water all throughout your home.
What makes the Kinetico City Water System Different?
- Non-Electric Operation. Reliable. No timers or computers to set, adjust, repair or replace.
- Metered, Demand Service. Unlimited supply of clean, soft, dechlorinated water. Eliminates guesswork, water and regenerant waste and hard water breakthrough.
- Quad Tank System. Separate carbon and resin tanks combine two systems into one. Continuous availability of clean, dechlorinated water. Saves money and space. Simplifies maintenance.
- Overdrive Enhanced. All tanks are in service simultaneously. Increases performance, efficiency, flow rate and media life.
- High Flow Rate. System keeps up with the conditioned water needs of today's demanding households.
- Large Porting Size. Perfectly suited for larger plumbing found in many homes. Up to 1½ inch.
- Efficient Hardness Removal. Assures consistent and continuous clean, soft water. Saves money on soaps and cleaners. Protects plumbing and appliances.
- Efficient Chlorine Reduction. Carbon absorbs objectionable tastes and odors from chlorinated water. Improves the taste of water. Eliminates odors. Reduces drying of hair and skin from chlorine.
- High Efficiency, Packed Resin Bed. More efficient hardness removal. Conserves regenerant and water. Increases performance.
- Efficient Use of Water and Regenerant. Low water compumption. Less money spent on regenerant.
- Corrosion-Resistant Valve and Tanks. Long lasting. Can endure harsh environments.
- Soft Water, Countercurrent Regeneration. Increases product efficiency and water quality
- Automatic Operation. Just add regenerant.
- Outstanding Warranty. Dependability, peace of mind.